Be a part of Another Way Farm & Home 

Donate, Invest or Become a Member

3 Ways you can Join the Another Way Farm & Home Community

  • Pre-Order the Book

    Get on the waitlist for the book ‘It’s Time to Give a Shit about Food and Farming’

  • Donate through the Fundraising Campaign & Auctions

    Participate in the fundraising campaign that auctions off ways you can actively get involved with the regenerative Home.

    *These will be announced when the book is launched

  • Invest

    Invest in the collective ownership of the land through equity investment or the membership of Another Way Home & Farm. (More details to come. If you are interested you can express your interest here).

The Quest to Fund the Regenerative Home

This is unlike other campaigns that you see online - it is not to raise money for a charity (although I have had to be a charity case at times in my life), this is to raise money for a vision - a vision that represents a future for humanity that is based in regeneration and a knowing that we can create ways of living, landscapes and babies that are better than what we have currently.

This campaign is not ‘something for nothing’ - we are selling the book 'It's Time to Give a Shit about Food & Faming... We Need Lots of It' plus we are raising capital through new models of investment that welcome you into the exclusive Homes for future of human health, evolution, and co-creating a new model of being for the New Earth.

At this Home you can come to stay for a week or two through the membership, co-work and connect with others of like mind whilst experiencing the joys of being immersed in Nature and luxury.

This is a place that is for those that want community, but also want to go Home too.

Therefore this Home is for more than me and my family, it is for the regeneration of Nature and you too.